As an adult with scoliosis, you may think that you can overpower it. Doctors can provide you with various treatment options, and there are many activities you can do to help alleviate your misaligned spine. But here are some of the things that you might not know about scoliosis.

- A Diagnosis Of Scoliosis Doesn’t Always Need Surgery. This is a common fear for those who have scoliosis – that they to be operated to align their spine. But according to most spinal specialists, only a minor population requires major surgery, and many individuals can deal with their symptoms without any surgery. The treatment would usually be targeted on alleviating the symptoms instead of fixing the curve.
Conventional treatments include anti-inflammatory medications or injections to relieve the pain, physical therapy for strength and stability. The final resort, spinal decompression surgery, is done if the person’s pain is not relieved with physical therapy or medication. A piece of valuable advice, though, is to make sure that a spine specialist does your surgery.

- The Site Or Scope Of The Curve Does Not Tell Whether Or Not Symptoms Will Appear. As you grow older, your spine starts to weaken. As it weakens, it might also begin to bend or create a curve, although some individuals with scoliosis may not experience symptoms at all. Others, on the contrary, may have numbness or tingling, back pain, and leg pain.
Looking at a person on a side view, you will see that his spine has three normal curves that are located in the lower back, middle back, and neck. The curvature in the lower back tends to disappear as a person grows older, which is actually what builds the problems and causes symptoms to develop.
- The Two Types Of Scoliosis Can Both Be Present In One Person. In adults, doctors describe two types of scoliosis. One is degenerative, where the usual wear and tear of the lower back that occurs as one age, results in the formation of curvature in the spine. The second type, which is seen in teenagers, is known as idiopathic scoliosis. Some of the cases of this type involve the progression of the curve and the manifestation of symptoms during adulthood. Still, in some, the scoliosis is not identified until the person reaches adulthood.

- Smoking Can Affect Scoliosis And Other Problems. While you are seeking management for your scoliosis, you can also help yourself at home by doing the right things to decrease your symptoms. One of the most vital things you can do is to stop smoking. Additionally, doctors agree that smoking has been the leading cause of neck and back problems.
- Exercising Is Not Contraindicated But Rather Encouraged For Those With Scoliosis. Many people with scoliosis have been advised not to exercise, but specialists don’t entirely agree with this. In fact, they say that the more active these individuals are regularly, the lesser are their chances of being symptomatic. If you’re overweight, for instance, you’ll need to lose weight through diet and exercise to help decrease scoliosis symptoms. Sports can also be engaged as long as scoliotic individuals discuss this issue with their doctor first.